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How do I delete an item?

Deleting an item is very straightforward, but should be used sparingly. Once an item has been deleted you won't be able to recover it, so make sure you're only deleting items you've created by mistake or that really shouldn't be on the account.

The only user who can delete an item is the participant who owns the item in its current state, or an app owner. So even if your SMART Goal belongs to you, if you've sent it along to your line manager to approve only they will be able to delete this goal. Once it is sent back to you in a state that you own, you will then be able to delete it again.

To delete an item:

  • Open the item you want to delete.
  • Click Actions right at the top of the form.
  • Select Delete item, then click to confirm.

find review

selected review

delete item

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PeopleGoal Support Team

PeopleGoal Support Team

Account Management & Implementation Specialists