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How do I delete an app or workspace?

Apps and workspaces are deleted from their Settings tab by owners only. Once you delete an app or workspace this cannot be restored, so make sure you really intend to remove it from your account! To delete an app or workspace:

  • Open the App / Workspace and select the Settings tab.

peoplegoal faq delete app settings

  • Scroll down to the bottom of the settings and expand the Delete app/workspace menu.
  • Select Delete app / workspace.

peoplegoal faq delete app

  • You will be asked retype the app / workspace name to confirm. The name must be typed exactly as it appears. Hint: you can copy the name from the confirmation text.
  • Click Delete app / workspace and you're done.

peoplegoal faq confirm delete

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PeopleGoal Support Team

PeopleGoal Support Team

Account Management & Implementation Specialists