Diversity Training

Diversity training is training for the purpose of fostering an inclusive work environment. This involves improving cultural awareness in order to tackle unconscious bias or stereotyping associated with characteristics such as race, gender, physical ability or sexual orientation.

While unlearning biases is not an easy task, evidence shows that management diversity training can improve empathy and cultural sensitivity. In an equitable company culture, learning and development efforts tie in with Diversity and Inclusion efforts.

Diversity training comes in many forms, including interactive online courses and group discussion meetings. Diversity training for teams that work together everyday, for example, the marketing team, work well. Employees at different levels who engage in a shared learning experience are more likely to hold each other accountable.

It is important that leadership commits actively to addressing inclusion problems. Diversity training reinforces that D&I is everyone’s responsibility. It is a great first step towards equal, discrimination-free workplaces.


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