Employee Experience Survey

Measure the levels of motivation, teamwork and satisfaction that employees experience in their work environment.

Employee Experience Survey


An outstanding employee experience happens when your people are provided with a high-quality physical, cultural and technological environment that allows them to do their best work.

While employee engagement is an outcome, employee experience is the underlying process that should positively impact the engagement of your employees. To better understand employee experiences at your company, you need insight from your people. What do they think? How do they like to work? What could be improved?

The Employee Experience survey asks respondents to rate how much they agree with statements around these core working areas:

  • Team Culture
  • Psychological Safety
  • Team Relationships
  • Work-Life Balance
  • Organizational Development

You can run the survey anonymously using the app webforms or named by creating items within the app.


  • Build a company that gets the most out of its talent
  • Improve staff retention rates, company loyalty and advocacy
  • Attract star talent to join a progressive, dynamic company