Blog·HR Management

August 23, 2019

How to set up employee orientation for a job

Setting up employee orientation for a job can be overwhelming to the HR departments, although it is essential for effectively engaging new hire with their role.

Too many companies let their new hires sink to swim after hiring them. As we discussed before employee onboarding process is a fundamental step to employee engagement. Unfortunately, too many businesses continue to overlook the importance of this process. Therefore, this article aims to explain how to set up employee orientation for a job.

What is employee orientation?

Employee orientation is an essential part of onboarding where employees learn about the workplace and their new job. It provides them with an opportunity to familiarize themselves with their responsibilities, company culture and their new team. It also provides the rest of the employees to introduce themselves to the new addition to the team and help them effectively transition to the company.

Why is employee orientation important?

Clearly communicating one’s expectations and objectives can help employees to understand their responsibilities and become productive faster. Effective employee orientation can therefore help to avoid miscommunications to help to reduce the employee churn rate as it prevents miscommunication. It also allows new hires to familiarize themselves with the new workplace, colleagues and their newly acquired role.

On the other hand, many companies overwhelm their new hires with too much information on day one rather than take the time to help them understand how the company functions. As a result, the new employees can become confused, overwhelmed and disconnected from their work. Employees who go through ineffective orientation are more likely to leave your organization within the first year of their employment. According to SHRM states that replacing an employee costs companies on average 6-9 months’ salary.

What are the steps of employee orientation?

Steps to set up employee orientation for a job

1. Let them know where to come.

Supposedly, your new employees know where the office is, but it is always good to double check they know how to get there, what public transport to take or where to park to reduce the potential anxiety levels and make their day as easy as possible.

2. Let them know who they are going to meet.

If they need to check in at the reception let them know what the steps are and who to ask for. If you want to make their life even easier the human resources department can help them to connect them social media, via email or enable them to exchange phone numbers to start initial communication if that’s not been done before.

3. Let them know when to come and when they can expect to be leaving.

Make sure your new employee knows when they should arrive to the office. But more importantly make sure that their new manager/team member/office manager or another employee is also aware of them coming and will be expecting them. Nothing sets a worse first impression than making your new employees feel like they have been forgotten about.

4. Let them know what to bring and what to wear.

This (just like most of the other steps on the list) might feel so obvious to you that you might take it for granted and forget to communicate it to the new joiner. To avoid any awkwardness, make sure they know what the appropriate dress code in the company is and whether there is anything they need to bring on their first day. If you are going to provide everything they need, let them know as well.

5. Let them know why their role and your company exist

Last but not least, the orientation is a great time to explain the mission, vision and core values of the company to your new employee and how their role aligns to company vision. This will provide them with understanding of the company strategy from the day one

What should employees expect from employee orientation?

More than anything you should be ready to absorb a lot of information and meet a lot of new people (unless you work for a small company).

As an employee it is important you are ready to show you are committed to your new job and continuous improvement. You should embrace yourself to ask questions to get information you need to learn your job, make decisions and solve problems. Therefore, it is worth to prepare for your orientation and;

1. Dress appropriately

Your new employer should let you know what the dress code of the company is, although if they do not you should take an initiative and ask them yourself.

2. Arrive Early

Coming in late on your first day is the last impression you want to leave. Make sure you account for the traffic and come early enough to check in with your supervisor

3. Have your personal information ready

Make sure you have filled all necessary forms such as a W4 tax form in the US or P60 form in the UK prior your first day and have your social security number any other necessary information ready.

4. Be ready to take notes

You are most likely to recieve a high volume of information and with the stress of new environment and new people it might be difficult to remember. Bring a notebook and a pen to be able to write down what you do not want to forget.

5. Ask about the next steps

Your employer should clearly outline what happens next but if they do not, show initiative and ask yourself. Do you know if you are going to get any formal training? Will you be assigned a mentor/buddy to help you integrate to your role? Are there any further steps to the orientation?

employee guide to employee orientation

Employee orientation program is beneficial to both employees and companies helping them to successfully kick of their new career. Effective orientation process should enable new hires to integrate to the company, understand their responsibilities and ensure positive productivity from day zero.

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