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Thoughts on the most effective ways to gather and provide 360 feedback.
Find out how HR uses performance planning to improve employees
PeopleGoal Team
The key to generating valuable feedback is ensuring that the right questions are asked. Here we list some of the best options availiable.
Sophie Smith-Watkins
Employee development is a key way businesses can improve the performance and job satisfaction in their remote teams. This in turn will boost your businesses productivity and save you money in the long run by increasing employee retention.
360 feedback is a great tool for growth and development, however it must be implemented correctly to ensure success. We discuss the potential challenges and how to overcome them.
360° feedback is a must-have for organizations looking to encourage growth and development, boost engagement and build a culture of continuous feedback.
Find out how to design a survey for clear and informative feedback on performance
Lara Kelly
A great 360 review encourages employees to develop their professional and interpersonal skills and highlights the blindspots we all miss in our own behavior.
Kylie Strickland
Asking for feedback is challenging at least. Is there a way how to ask for feedback? Find out about ways to make your workforce comfortable asking how to improve.
360 feedback makes the world go round; and that means we should all be giving feedback - even to our managers. Here's 5 examples of manager feedback done right
Content Team
Need some tips on how to discuss poor performance with an employee? Read on...
Giving feedback to colleagues always help to reinforce positive behavior. We have created a list of positive feedback examples to encourage positive actions within a company.
Encouraging feedback from employees is tough! Start by assessing the way you're promoting your tool and address the reasons people are afraid to give feedback.
Constructive feedback fosters a culture of development, self-awareness and actionable change.
Joseph Garvey